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Ten weight loss supplements - ten weight loss addons

01-02-2017 à 08:46:42
Ten weight loss supplements
This medicine is recommended when there is an excess of fat mainly in the thighs and buttocks as compared to other parts of the body. help me on weight reducing with medicne. My name is Priya and I am suffering from high collestrol and hypo thyrodisam. I am freezing all the time, suffer from insomnia where falling asleep is instant but always waking around 2am for the day. 2inches,weight is 79kg and suffering from pcod and taking medicine from homeopathy since last 16 months, Dr how can I lose my weight. Unfortunately after some issues in my marriage, I became depressed and started to feel tired all the time. I am having Hiatus Hernia for past 2 years with GERD. (Hands, thighs and legs). Thank you so much for taking my question. I am ridicuously overweight in the middle. So can i take calcarea carb and lycopodium for weight loss. I have all the symptoms of have a under thyroid. I need to reduce post pregnancy Weight Gain and fat in my stomach. Hi I am 35 years old and I have not any disorder like thyroid and sugar. Sharma u have been very helpful in giving info about medicine I want to know the market name of all 5 weight loss medicines as u mention the chemical name of these med. She had 2 back-to-back attacks of Dengue, followed by eruptions which the Doctors diagnosed to be oral herpes. Instead of maintaining all I got fat in abdomen, lower the chin, waist( about 3 months). And looking for any homeopathy medicine that can reduce. I feel that if I could lose some weight, then perhaps I would be able to walk more and do some excersizing that would help me gat my weight under control. Pl advise me what is the best suitable medicine for me n how it should be consumed n how many times. Both of us are obese and overweight,leading to pressure on the knees and other limbs. I have Hypothyroid and take 150mg levothroxin everyday it does not help at all. I am 48 yrs old and my weight is 58. So I hoped that I will get a remedy for my obesity in homeo itself. I am homeopathic lover, and for all diseases use such medicine. Please suggest me homeopathy medicine for weight loss and melasma. I took several of them sometime two at a time and still no chance. e toon in regional language. I am a long time lover of homeopathy and herbal remedies. 103 kg. Your body burns 2-3 times more energy (including stored fat) for digesting. I have earlier maintained a healthy weight of 47. and weaknes of bones and joints. No scale will give you an objective view of yourself. 6 height, weight 81 kgs. i am 47 now. My hight is 5 feet and my weight is 70 kg. i want to reduce wait. Sir i feel happy when I eat due to over weight I have pain in my lower back and in legs. I m ajit my age is 80 kg. im 60kg. l am used petroleum, arsenic, pulsatilla, sepia now lam using hepersulph all medicine are used 200p. Two months back I had ceaserean but unfortunately my kid died. she like to prefer papad for lunch, banana chips, topica chips etc. My daughter is continuously gaining weight because of hormonal imbalance. I am Hypothyroid taking Thyroxine 2 recommended but I never stick to recommended dosage so when ever I need some boost I abuse that drug. My works require my being seated at desk for 8 To 10 hrs. I drink coffee to stay awake and crave carbohydrates and salt. Please suggest me homeopathic medicine for reducing the belly fat. I m not so foody. cant control urine. what product will be the best and where to purchase it in Australia wa. But after marriage I put on gain 15 kg within 3 months. I perspire a lot and specially my head is always full of sweat. I was diagnosed with PCOD 10 years back, then it disapperared and again resurfaced recently. I have constipation,acidity problem and also fat at face and abdomen only. I am 83-84 kgs now for the last 25 years. about 110 kg,Height 5. And because og tention and depression i dont how to get back to have i use to be. At first, it might look stupid or useless to you, but only until you see the first real progress captured in each photo. I am 36 years old and feel fatigued almost all the time. 50 days 10 kg weight loss. 5 kms per hour. I am 44 yrs. waiting for ur reply. She is more or excess of fat mainly in the thighs and buttocks as compared to other parts of the body. After my 2nd ciesarian i became dpressed and have been taking pills twice a day. The second symptom is intolerance to cold air. if I feel light I feel fresh. Weight loss in persons with hypothyroid through homeopathy depends on the basic constitution. I also wish to improve my metabolic rate. please tell me which medicine should I use. My weight is 67 Kg which shows as over weight as calculated by BMI. So please tell me the potency or how to take the medicine. my belly fat has increased and boy tiered ness increased. I have craving for non veg foods and for fries. Diet and exercise never make much difference in her weight. My blood sugar levels are proper, though I have high LDL cholesterol. This is also used mainly when the thighs and buttock areas have excess fat, just like the above mentioned medicine Natrum Mur. I crave salad and fruit, as well as cheese. My weight is also increasing day by day. plz help. I am 54 female, menopaused at 40, I hold excess fat around the abdominal area and top of thighs, I am constantly in flight and fright mode suffering from anxiety, agorophobia and depression, I have around 2 hours solid sleep a night as mind is over active. Please give right suggestions what to do hardness and for long time sex. Never constipated, love cold, no hair fall. She has undergone a medical check up and in the scanning report it is mentioned that both ovaries show multiple small cysts measuring 3 to 6 mm in size. First delivery was normal. Could you recommend some homeopathic medicines to be taken with the daily dosage and also changes if any in my diet. I have slight swelling in front of my neck and it still persist since many years. How I can loss weight for 15 to 20 kgs to look very healthy. Bcoz of that i dont do any physical work nd now m suffering from obesity also nd bcoz of my weight m surrfing alot. and I sweat in summers. The medicine is selected after proper evaluation of the case history provided by the patient. I don not get motions at regular timings. Thank you. 6. I am suffering from sinucitis and have breathing problem because of which I cannot do heavy excercise. I am 50 years old and take birth control pills. I need more on obesity and homoeo medicines. Sir i ve rickets pblm since from my childhood nd now m suffering more pain nd my bones are very weak now. I was hoping for help with my digestion it might be some better but very little since I still hardly have bowel movements. i have problem of constipation too and form 1 month my mensuration cycle is disturbed. The majority of my weight is belly fat with butt and thighs in a close tie for second. Which medicine should take to reduce fat from my chest. I use to be 100 kg and now after diet control and long walks I have lost 15 kg and have become 85. Now my wait is gaining day by day my weight is 96 kg my belly is over grown. I stopped mestruating at 52 and since have put on 12kg. I did weight loss surgery but am gaining weight back can you help me with some homeopathic diets. I am enemic my heamoglobine never go above 10gm. His Wt is 205 lbs. I request u to advice me the best mediciens for weight loss with best result. Hi siir i am priyanshi age 25 but weight 66kg monthly cycle perfect but my weight is gaining day by day plz help me. My right hand finger are dry red swell and feeling itching. I have 3 self owned companies and due to business meetings, I am unable to invest time in taking care of myself that much. How do we get the medications to help us with weight loss. My daughter Merrin aged 30 is a software engineer who is married in 2010. what should I need to take for bally. I have a sluggish tyroid which leads to weight gain. weight 78 kgs. I have huge ugly tummy and pigmentation on face help plz. I already have knee pains due to overweight. While I have a pear-shaped figure (all my life), I have been at an ideal weight most of my life. I do meditation and pranayama in the morning. please recommended what medicinices i can use for loss my thices and buttocks fat and how dosages take it for better and fast rfesult. 2 inches tall 62 Kg man. In order to be eligible to use this medicine to lose weight, the constitutional symptoms shown by the patient are given utmost importance. Sir I m having excess fat on my thighs and near waist and thighs, how to get rid of it. I have bulky hips, thighs, calves, abdomen and arms. my menopause start at the age 42. now felling pain in thiegh my beely and legs is fatty uper part is normal. I would like to be under 200 lbs and just need the energy boost to do this. They are mentally and physically dwarfish, and also have tendency to catch cold easily and suffer from recurrent throat infections. I have broken ankle which stops me a certain time due to excessive pain as there is still metal rod. Surprisingly, this bunch of important factors covers only 20% of the problem. Dear Dr Sharma, I am 45 yrs of age, mother of 3. name of madicen ya to slash due. pls tell me any remedy. I am doing yoga also but will still require medical assistance. Plzz tell me any doctor prescribed calc carb 3x and Ashoka 3x for me is it OK or I should add fucus too. Sir i am suffering from hypothyroidism and overweight. I am at the point wehre I am trying to figure out homeopathic what I can do to help myself. Her marriage is planned at the end of this year. I am 32 years old and my cravings for junk food n munching all the time dont go. I have very busy life style and try to lose with excerise but I tired after 20 min excerise. I am facing menopausal symptoms. My legs are still as skinny as ever and my buttocks and thighs have not gained either. I want to know suitable homeopathic medicine for me. She was trying to change the life style as per allopathic medicine, and change food habit, but unfortunately we find no significant change. She was 21 kg in January and is 30 kgs today. please suggest me. after eating stomach me jalan bhi hoti hai. Which homeopathic medicine combination can help in reducing weight. I am 90 kgs presently having thyroid for more than 15 years. Homeopathic medicines for weight loss are no substitute for exercise. I have lost a lot of weight with a paleo diet, macrobiotic, fasting, lemon and maple syrup, low carb, high carb high protein, etc. I find recently my girth at the abdomen has increased significantly and also on the buttocks and thighs. I was so fit and full of energy and now I barely make through my day at work. Please advise me a treatment that suits me. My daughter Merrin aged 30 is a software engineer who is married in 2010. The weight is mostly in my stomach, boobs and my chin. I saw a couple of your herbs that I think might help me along with cutting back. Can you please suggest me a proper medicine and the dose. very effective and harmless. hight 5ft 6 ins. My skin is also very red and itchy all the time. I am 5ft 1inch and suffering from hypothyroidism and suffering also spondylaitis and sciatica. These children also have a marked aversion to cold bathing. I have excess fat on my abdomen and sides after the 2cesarean deliveries I had. tummy and hips is heavy. , I was 50 kilo before pregnancy, I want to reduce few kilos. I am siddharth Jain and i am from Guna(MP) and i am suffering from obesity problem my weight is 110kgand my height is 5ft10inch. 83 KGs. but last month i have no periods. Pls suggest me medicine for weight loss. Ignitia and Kali-phos help me to reduce chronic stress. I Ve got problem with digestion and a lot with constipation. pl suggest. Click here to learn more about PhenQ diet pills. I went off my synthroid over 3 months ago because I just was done with being on medication. A suitable candidate for this medicine is a child who possesses extreme irritability, very cross nature, and an aversion to be touched or be looked at. I have more fat on thighs and legs, also probably from water retention. Again my Daugther looks also big she is 10years and needed help too. Pl help me for better solution, once I m in that weight sloth then I will start my athletic sports. I am 34 years old and I am obese, my weight is 88 kg and i am 5 ft 6 inch tall, please advise. I used to crave for more food than required usually fatty spicy etc. However in the past 2 years I have gained 7 kg very quickly and couple of things have changed such as onset of menopause, type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. i have extremely dry skin and have taken a lot of homeopathy for that in my childhood days. My name is aurang zeb and i m 52 years old, my ht is 5 feet and 6 inches and my weight with some problems of constipation and more,kindly advice me medicion formy wight loss. Nice information you have discussed in this article. When you overeat, your metabolism slows down to be able to handle the insane calorie supply burst. Alumina and Nux Vomica- Homeopathic Remedies for Obesity. My abdomen is fatty, stomech pain, leg pain is regularly. I am suffering from sciatica so unable to do forward bending exercises. However I am not able to reduce my belly fat which grew in the past 2 years rapidly. I was very slim before marriage but after marriage from age of 30 i used to gain my weights. Age 50 years. Please suggest homeopathic medicine as I always try to treat myself with homeopathy. I read ur articles about calcarea carb Natrum mur and lycopodium. lam also homopathic doctor. Its hamper my image nd look mostly its mentally disturbing me a lot. The significant indicator for using this medicine to lose weight is a craving for acidic things like pickles in the child. thank you. Off and on bowel issues with gluten problems like gas and bloating, swollen ankes and jut feel lousy. Sir please help me to reduce fat and weight. In this article various homeopathic medicines to loose weight are mentioned, but again the selection depends solely upon the constitution of the patient. I am Hype-Thyroid patient for the last 7 years and using Thyronorm Tablet 100 mcg. I had frozen shoulder and usually in lots of pain. Please help me to reduce the breast size. What would you suggest I take and what dosage for weight loss. Namaste sir I am yours fan and your fallowar I am from bangalore. I messaged yesterday about my problem but not had any response back. likes paratha but hates rice, fish and vegetables. (Hands, thighs and legs). I have tried many avenues but doctors just call me clinically obese. I am in chronic pain and am at 5 ft 7 and am 219. I want to loose my wt. I am always under stress as our family is very dynamic. Ignatia and Natrum Mur because of the stress and depression. Recently I have started getting palpitations, mostly in late nights, but it is rare as in had it 2 months back. My bro suffers from schizophrenia due to which he is overweight specially on d stomach n hence overweight. I have hypothyroidism and my problem area is my thighs and buttocks. Homeopathic medicines Ammonium Carb and Antimonium Crudum for weight loss in overweight persons having excess fat in the upper body as compared to legs that are usually thin. Suggest me some effective homeopathy medicines to solve my problem. One will find related facts at a website such as Fix Your Search Results. Have got Bp that is controlled by Nilol but i cant do without it. My lower body i. After giving birth to baby I have put on enormous weight of 16 kgs after 3 months of delivery. So please tell me how to solve my problem. Sir i am suffering from weight gain due to pregnancy (c-section), 12kgs of excessive weight on abdomen, buttocks and thighs. Diet is 1 chapatti in morning and little rice and so same in evening. I have been trying all sorts of quick fixes but nothing seems to work. In Fact exercise along with homeopathic medicine can accentuate the weight loss. and some exercise for an your. All of a sudden in a months time hvvput on 5 kgs. he is very foody like to have chips, egg everyday. He takes bath around three to four times in a day. I am 47 yrs woman in perimenopausal stage. I am gaining around thighs buttocks, upper arm. After, my second pregnancy I gained alot of weight which did not come off easily dispite exercise and diet. So please suggest me medicine for reduce weight. which is effectively controlled. e. If yes than how much time take in this treatment. I want ask you that Homeopathy is help me to reduce weight and stop my migraine attack. That will also help me to manage my knee pain. Antimonium Crudum, Baryta Carb and Calcarea Carb- Homeopathic Medicines for weight loss in obese children. But again the constitutional symptoms that are unique to using Lycopodium differentiate between these two. or can we consult doctor here. Ignatia works effectively to decrease the weight in an overweight person when depression is the cause of weight gain. When i was in 4th standard periods start, and after this each year started gaining weight. sometimes he can pass the stool or else he has to come out and after sometime again he has to go to the toilet. My weight is 83 Kgs and I am maintaining this weight since last 8 years despite of all the weight loss measures I have taken. there is also high BP. Carry more weight in the upper body with irritable disposition when contradicted,undergoing menopause. I am not losing weight despite of trying with food diet and walking for 15 minutes on tredmill with a speed of 5. My age is 35year. Other contributors are a sedentary lifestyle, an absence of activity, lack of sleep, anxiety, depression and sometimes a hormonal imbalance. my mind do calculations all the time. i am despirate to reduce my weight. Can you please suggest me a homoeopathy medicine for reducing my weight. I would be busy sitting in office from 11am to 8pm every day, i may go for lunch to home or hotel as per the days demand for me. I was 82 before the surgery, so its not that I have gained after surgery. I want to start using them to loose weight. I have done none of this since November of last year. The baby was borne before 2 and half years ago. i m a learner in homeopathy and i request u to plz also guide on the following. Natrum Mur is prescribed to those overweight patients who weep a lot in depression and have an increased appetite. I have one year baby also and after dilvery my weight has been increase can you please suggest me how to reduce and any homeopathic medicine to reduce my weight. Can you suggest me any medicine for fat loss. I am suffering from weight gain and hormonal imbalance plese tell me any solution and due to this there are many hair and pimples coming on my face. Dr. Kindly let me know if there are remedies that could help. I also get bruise on skin quickly as I do have a history having animea. I had delivered baby 3 months back and my weight is 70 kg. Please advise if i can take this medicine. i am 43 years old female. I hv access fat in my upper body in comparison of my thigh n leg area. Urinary problem i. I do not get the time to walk or do gyming or any sort of physical exercise. I am not on any medication as I want to correct it naturally. I had no issue and suffering from poor ovarian reserve and 2 times ovarian failure. I had two misscarriges during two years I have gained alot of weight around 12 kg and I am unable to lose it even I am doing gym and on low carb diet. For instance, the patients who require this medicine usually have a tendency to perspire profusely, especially on head. Aap Waha apni dawa ke baare me jaan sakte hain. After delivery i gained so much fat. Can you help me get the right remedy and dose. I went through an abortion last November and since then I get bloated very often. Could you give me some medicines and doses to be taken. Click here to learn more about PhenQ diet pills. lot of belly fat. I want to loose my weight. She is very stubborn girl with very angy and short tempered girl. my problem is my over weight,now I am 98 kg. I am feeling very bad please give me a best solution for weight loss as soon as possible. A typical patient of Calcarea Carb is constitutionally sensitive to cold. I just received my blood work back and all were good. I have a weight of 80kg and my height is 5. I cook pretty clean but have a sweet tooth and caffeine problem. As i also had me thyroid which reports were normal. To weighing 53 after my son was born for 8-10 months. mainly the weight gain is in abdomen. I have become highly obese in the last 5 yrs. I have visceral fat in the abdomen. I have constipation too due to which I have piles. My Current weight is 75, and my thighs and but means my lower body is fatty, i am a hypothyroidism patient, please suggest me a medicine to loose my weight, and I am getting married soon, so please give me advice that I will loose my weight. My wife is very faty n that is why she needs a good hemeopathic treatment to reduce weight. Obesity is at around each part of my body including face, stomach, thighs, buttock, arms. I walk 30- 40 mins every day and try to control my diet. I am 47yr. Before periods start in childhood, i was a thin girl. Myself Manoj Sharma 32yr Male weighing app 106 Kgs. She has irregular periods and not get pregnant yet. The persons requiring Alumina have constipation and they go many days without passing stool. If the popularity of slimming centers and continued patronage of weight loss pills and diet plans is any indication, then obesity is a huge problem. He starts consuming the food fat in the begaining and gradually slower down and finally, kept the food left over. I have always had acne and weight struggles. You keep your insulin levels at the same level, which means controlling fat cell production. I crave sugars and salty food. 6 tall and currently 87kgs. I am a 34 year old women suffering from obesity after my mensuration started. I have gone gluten free for my gluten sensitive problems but crave sugar 4 or 5 times a day and stuffy ears and runny nose all the time. She breaks into a sweat easily, becomes easily irritable and looks boated. My weight is all around but my mid section is bigger. I also experience flatulence and sour erructations often. I have great sense of responsibility and I am doing things non stop but at a slow pace and procrastinate a lot. Q but after retirement my weight has increase too much and stomach had come out due to which feel much difficult in doing any work. During weekends I will eat more and incorrect but I do not believe that what and the amount I eat justifies my weight. I take limited food never eat oily food, very restricted diet. I have got angioplasty at the early age of 42years only. Somtimes my stomach doesnot allow me to take food but the aroma of the food pulls me. During each meal intake, the amount of energy that is used for digesting is approximately the same. suffering from at least 18years. It hour concentrated, without preservatives, just natural orange juice. I am not diabetic or hypertensive. I was wondering if you can help me loose weight. That kind of website is useful for people that needs to improve their online reputation. I need a medication for the above problem. Took a lot of alopathy medicines till the age of 18. I want to reduce my weight and seek your expert advice for this. I am going through pre menopausal phase and have gained excessive weight. Kitna kharch aayega aur kitna samay lagega. Am 5. I also want to get rid of the acne cysts. I watch my food intake and try not to nibble. i am active all day. I have no constipation but have some acidity problem. I am suffering from hypothyroidism from last 1year,feeling very fatigue and body pain especially pain in my toe. plz help me to loss my weight. Hi dr im overweight my upperbody im 45 years old woman. Please suggest me medicine dosage etc for gas stomach and little fat-and also specially for feeling of hot no swettin due to this i should wear loose clothes-cant wear saree-in garden areas where plenty of oxygen i feel free but in city like hyderabad i fell always hot. Sharma. I want to reduce my weight fast. I am bablu Singh my hight 178 cm and weight 92 kg pls sir mujhe advice dijiye. Not currently trying to conceive, but will start soon. plz suggest something as my metabolism rate is so slow that whichever I eat I gain weight. Natrum Mur and Lycopodium- Homeopathic Remedies for weight loss in overweight persons having excess fat in thigh and buttock area. I have very oily skin and scalp, heavy acne on jawline, neck, chin, chest, back, shoulders etc. This is not what they call belly fat or subcutaneous fat. My present weight 69 my chest tummy and thighs are having excess fat. I read article on Calcarea Carbonica and all the symptoms match exactly to me. I have gained around 2stone around the stomachs is worse. pls help me in this no sugar problem n no thyroid. please i really need your help. hight is 5ft. Dr. 11, Wight 108 kgs, I suffering from over Wight and belly fat, thighs fat, wrist fat, night time sllepless problem, back side of neck fat, morning incomplete stool, how to over come this all problems please suggest good medicine and using formula, how any days. I would like to loose about 20-25 lbs, over the next 3 months. I want to loss my weight. I have hashimotos ans since loosing my handicapped sister last November I have put on seven kilos mostly belly and hip fat. She is constantly stressed and feels anxious all the time. My name Anil Kumar and my weight 69 kg I want take remedy in homeopathic for weight loss. I m 50 years old lady weight 90 kg height 5. High BP. I have too much constipation I have face to mush problem to pass out the stool. My thigh, abdomen and buttock are more fat. My age is now 32 year but my weight is 80 kg 5. Now iam70. like mood swings, sadness,lonleynes. As I m having problems of Kate mensis problem hair fall alit of dandruff continus head ache dull face brown spots on face and a lot of fat on belly as I have three c sections and two abortions. My name is yogesh 42 year old sir I am over weight. How will i get the medicines and how to take these. I gained 15 kg aftr my pregnancy my baby is 9 months old n imnt feedin her anymore. I am also taking a treatment of Ovarian cyst, which has reduced my weight a little. Is there anything that may help dissolve this fat. Then, I was not just tired but exhausted, to the point I wud fall asleep while driving. For example, I need 2,500 calories a day while you may need only 1,800. But I am depressed too. My Husband is 50 years old and has his Gall Bladder has been removed due to some medical condition of stone. Sir help me sir me wight 103. I evaluated my symptoms and want to take calcarea carb. i am now weighing 90 kgs. before harnia opration I have deadly constipation but after harnia opration loose motion every time and this time every day constipation one day loose stomach my days passed painfully i want loose my weight. Please guide me of a most suitable medicine. My problem is that from the last one year i have gain fat and my weight has been gradually increase and also this fat can see on my stomach i. The patients who require this medicine usually suffer from anemia. I was referred to an endocrinologist so diagnosed me with thyroid cancer even though all my thyroid levels were noral. The stool passed out of the body is insufficient and unsatisfactory. My weught is concentrated on my thighs and hip areas. Bp gets high and usually gets angry frequently. for diabetes presently having Dicare herbal med. The patients requiring Lycopodium, on the other hand, have weight problems along with gastric troubles. i am very bad at sleep. I am sugar patient height is 5. Very insecure, angry and stressed out, since i have to start from square1. can you please help me to suggest one homeopathic medicine for loosing weight. Hi sir I am sandhya age 24 but 75 kg but my monthly cycle irregular reason PCOD change but my weights is gaining day by day irregular weight gaining pls help me and pls suggest me. I have tried all exercises yoga and morning walks but unable to reduce weight. Too much of stress going on at the same time. Around 3:00 in the afternoon I get really tired. where from I can buy easily. so no major difference. Constitutional symptoms indicating the use of Calcarea Carb must be present in the patient for. I am getting fatty thighs, buttock and have tummy. Sir i have belly fat please tell me medicine to reduce it. I am extremely over weight, I am pear shape am 60 and hypothyroid, been reading your information. he was having tonsil and was getting severe throat infections again and again. I had my gallbladder removal 4 yrs ago, by that time I was weighing 82, have gained too much weight of 92kgs kindly help me reduce this weight. Myself Anudeep, my lower part is very much heavy. the Doctor I saw at a clinic gave me meds that had so many side effects and heart racing, had to stop them after a few days. Hi i want to know which homeopathy medicine is helpful to reduce body fat and weight without side effect. After pregnancy, I try to loose my weight but I was not able to reduce even 1 kilo,. I am working and have little time to exercise. She has irregular periods and not pregnant yet. Sir main jitna jaldi ho ske waight kam krna chahti hu. Click here to learn more about PhenQ diet pills. Gd morning sir my self Nizam from Hyderabad,I have too much of Fay on me stomach n I want to loose it iam very tried of it I have to do hard work in hotel,I am a chef. Calorie counting is the worst weight loss method that is available to you when you try to lose your stubborn fat. I m 40 yrs old lady. Usually mild tempered but sensitive to rejection and cry a lot and become sad. Tried a lot but difficult to loose weight. I gained the weight after my first child. I would do some exercise but get exhausted very easily. I have recently consulted at a chiropractic clinic that uses homeopathic remedies for weight loss, along with a strong reduction in caloric consumption, and guarantees a certain amount of loss in 35 days. in february n march i have too much bleeding. The weight loss gave me more energy and motivation to go to the gym. Such a person has a continuous urge to pass stool, but only a little stool is ejected at a time. So nice of you that you are serving a lot for homeopathic students and physicians too. I am 5ft 1inch and suffering from hypothyroidism and had removed gall bladder and is 78kg. I got weight gain 15-18 kg after pregnancy. please help. I am a lot healthy now, never had any surgery. I could easily lose weight when I was 25 with the help of Ayurvedic medicines. As we said, 10% of energy you consume daily is used for digesting food itself. can you give more information about gall stone patients, about kidney patients who having high cretinine(having under dialysis). I drink a cup of coffee just so I can make it until I go to bed. The problem is that near about 2-3 years I am feeling my penis is some soft when I am doing sex and I want it like a Hard Rock how it must be and I discharge within 1-2 minutes. Dr i need to reduce my weight especially my tummy, buttocks and hips kindly help Dr plz i hv homeopathy dr here taking drops and so on past 4 days no diffrent stil my tummy blotted no difference DR. I cant resist too much of cold. My duagters are having habit of eating and then sitting to use mobiles. It is mainly in the hips and thighs but also lower abdomen and a roll above my waist which I have never had. I am suffering from obesity at the age of 16 years. My doctor described my constitution as one of high muscular content, but enormous in stature. Presently my thyroid is in control and i am having thyronorm 25 mgs, however my weight is ever increasing. Please suggest me the medicine and its potency. I have high blood pressure that is controlled with medication, mild COPD and prostate cancer,which is under control at the present time. This still has not changed, 3 years after my son was born. I am most concerned about my 8 years old granddaughter. Due to this my stomach has become too much fatty. Your first step is to walk to a local Burger King or McDonalds and stuff yourself with the biggest hamburger ever. Menopausal and have polycystic ovaries. My menstrual cycle is irregular once in 2 months n last for 20 -25 days with heavy flow. I cave them when I am under stress or pressure. This is impossible to carry on with this routine for indefinite time. I m suffering from thyroid problem. Please i would be grateful to you sir pl. I love chicken and fish and really eat minimal pasta and when I do it is not white flour. And when I excercise too much I also suffer from a severe headache. l am worried. I have pain in my left arm joints and left leg below the hip find it difficult to move also have very bad leg cramps when sleeping am about 1 stone overweight please advise. Hello Doctor, I am 42 years old unmarried woman. Recently patchy swelling has been developed on face and arms. Can you suggest Remedy for reducing wt and hernia. COD and debities i am 40 years old i suggest homeopatic medicines. I am 57 years old and last 15 years suffering from diabetes but always in control. I lost 60lbs over 4 years ago but have regained 40lbs over the past 3 years. My parent became diabetic after 65 and I have been diabetic at the age of 46. My weight gain has been significant (105 lbs) over the last 40 years. Can you please let me know what you think. When I fell asleep while waiting for the red light to turn to green, I knew something was not right. I try to eat healthy and work out 5 days a week, but absolutely cannot lose the weight in my thighs and buttocks. This medicine gives wonderful results if the person has gained excess weight due to long continued stress or depression. Weight is more on upper body, breast, stomach nd hips. Thank you. 5cm my lower area hips and thighs are bulky tell me solution. Thank you. I am siddharth Jain and i am from Guna(MP) and i am suffering from obesity problem my weight is 110kgand my height is 5ft10inch. My sex life has also taken a toll for the worst. My weight is 70 my is 35 and my height 150. Please respond with the prices of your products as well as a recommendation. Kindly suggest Homeopathic medicine to control my body fat and reduce the size of waist. I am 33 years old and my wife is 25 years old. Could u please recommend haemopathic product to assist b weight loss, and swelling in legs and feet, not sure if it is edema. The women experience bulkiness and heaviness in their body. Whatever u wrote symptoms for natrmour exactly same except enemia. even if i sneeze or cough, few drops of urine comes. I am 1978 born, height 5. Could you recommend some homeopathic medicines to be taken with the daily dosage and also changes if any in my diet. I am easily agitated and feel tired most of the time. When you break your daily intake into 5-6 small (9-10 oz. Was on thyroid meds for a few years after first child as I developed Thyroiditis but after regular monitoring it corrected itself and now thyroid levels are normal. Yes, Calcarea Carb is also very effective in reducing weight gain that has occurred. Do you have a line of treatment to help. e. To select the suitable medicine out of above mentioned medicines for overweight children, the entire constitution of child is taken into consideration. How to loss weight which is due to very enlarge breast and fat in abdomen. Hypothyroidism refers to a condition in which the thyroid gland of body that controls the metabolism becomes under-active. I tried helping him so he could reduce, unfortunately he is not adhering to my advice. I have a sitting job but i work out at least 3-4 times a week and eat a healthy vegan diet. I have gained 25 kgs since 2012 and am also irritable and depressed all the time. I have always been athletic, running three times a week, teaching kick boxing. Before this iam ver lean with only 55-60kgs. 6feet tall and I weigh 86kg. If you suggest adding another medicine to help the process, please advise. Which I am still doing and have been for months. I lost 10kgs of my pregnancy weight in first month after birth but have gained 15 kg and more in the next five months. What medicine should I take to reduce my fat in the abdomen. Pl. not help ful. My stomach is also going to bulky now these days. Please suggest for best medicine. which medicine is perfect for weight reduction. Homeopathic medicine Ammonium Carb works well for obese persons who are sluggish and always feel tired and weak. I like fried and spicey food too though I try and avoid it. as early as possible, sitting of 8-9 hours,driving on ulternate days 2-3 hours involve in my nature of job. I had observed that my tummy measure has increased i think by 1 inch. Further, whilst researching on bodybuilding supplements i came across Human Growth Hormone (HGH) therapy. They have very fickle mood that changes from sadness to happiness and from laughter to tears. Imagine spending 60 dreadful minutes on a treadmill to burn 400 ridiculous calories (one Big Mac is around 2,000 calories). I have gained excessive weight due hypothyroidism,aged 49 I am on Throxin 150 micro gram and Envas 10 mg. Can you suggest a homeopathic medicine that can reduce her cravings and not make her so hungry. In the past couple of years, I gained a habit of late night eating along with junk food. Please help and guide as to what medicine to be taken to reduce wait. They also talk about resetting the metabolic rate after the 35 days so that the body has a lower weight to keep in balance. my weight is 71kg. my nature is too much angry and irritable without any reason. Pls suggest me good homeopathy medicine for weight loss. Click here to learn more about PhenQ diet pills. Most of the time i have cold feet and can not sleep well. My hands and upper body is average but the lower part from abdomen, buttocks and thighs are very heavy. Can you tell me how long I should take these remedies. I am 35 years old hypothyroid patient with pcod. I come of mixed parentage and was born in India. I live in West Bengal Hooghly district at Chandannagar. I am 43 years old. my age is 24. I am indecisive as to which formula to take for weight loss. Certain peculiar eating habits are also found in these patients. I have gained an enormous amount of weight as a female of 47, fowlloing my divorce, 6 years ago. Please let me know which medice is good for me and my wife asap. and other thing I have pain on my shoulder from 1 years o took so medi. I had breast cancer in 2014 and went through my treatments and now taking the five year pill aromas in to keep it from coming back. pls help me. I have recently gained a lot of weight due to stress in my belly and my hips region. My son is only 5 year old, but he is obese through he is very naughty,active, play and jump and all does all other things what a 5 year old like to do. I am a born sports man still playing cricket and batmintion regularly. controlling diet is also must while using homeopathic medicines for weight loss. My age is 53 my weight is 175 Lb i have to much belly fat. but like being cozy warm. She is diagnosed with hypothyroid and currently taking Thyronorm 25mb on daily basis. Though I have put on every where but my stomach hips and thighs is the problem area. My height is 5ft8 inch and weight 72 kg. medicine to be prescribed for them (Age:18and 21). I was fat aft delivery bt nw m gainin lots of weight. I had 2 back operations, lots of pain in legs feet, using eleptin 400mg, lyrica, picking up weight in legs, buttocks, having excessive swelling in legs and feet. can help curb his appetite. Hi doc,I am 26 years,96 is my weghit,I boecome pregnant,I want Losse my weghit in pregnancy,but not baby weghit,can I take. I have excess fats at thighs,buttocks n upper arms. I am 48 years old,my periods is normal going but i am gain weight in my tummy upper arm back of up (shoulder under arm area ) gain fat please give me remady and medine. Sweating mainly on the back region and head. At this moment I request you, kindly advice me, what homoeopathic medicine should be taken, and what to do next. The patients who require Lycopodium are chronic sufferers of gastric troubles like flatulence and constipation. i want loss my waight. Please suggest homeopathy medicine for reducing the weight. I have lots of faith in homeopathy bcz I have got my cycle back threw homeopathy only. Please let me know if there is any medicine in homeopathi. though i had dengue on 29th oct 2014 and i did not know was for the 2nd time. or anything else. my t4 also goes to higher side means I am slightly hypothyroidism. Pls sugest a medicine for anxiety and weight loose which in my case are related. Is there any treatment to reduce the belly fat. I do not have uterine fibroids and I do not over eat. As I tried a lot with walking exercises and diet. 120 -90. for which I am taking sepia 30. Pls advice if homeopathy wl help in reducing fat and losing weight. Such persons are sensitive to cold and have profuse sweating, especially on head. I am also obese, may be he inherited from me. Kindly give me remedy for lose weight of my child. e. Sir please help me to reduce fat and weight. It would be highly appreciated, if potency of medicines are also indicated OR it is left on the wisdom of the doctor. I am constipated with sometimes no urge for passing stools. She has undergone a medical check up and in the scanning report it is mentioned that both ovaries show multiple small cysts measuring 3 to 6 mm in size. I can not live without it. We are requested to you kindly give one suggestion or medicine to my daughter because she is fatty. my daughtes age 17 years weight 104 kg extreme weight on abdomen. Some important features that stand prominent to select Natrum Mur are excess heated sensation, craving for salted food and reserved nature. Natural homeopathic medicines Calcarea Carb and Lycopodium for weight loss in persons who have gained excessive weight due hypothyroidism. I am 63 yrs and WEIGHT is 84kgs,I have done a knee replacement in June 2015,feeling Bette though but gaining weight,so pl suggest me some medicines n hw many times a day. My butucks n belly part is looking bulky. Hello Dr Sharma my name is sukhdeep Hari and I am 48 years old female. I am suffering from P. I have 2 kids (13 yrs and 4 yrs) both were C-section deliveries. I am 31yrs old. If I could just feel more energetic, I would work out. Just having the last lingering aches and pains. I want to reduce my weight upto 8 kg. In fact, they do not have an urge to pass stool for many days. I got stressed after marriage became severly hypothyroid. The gastric troubles may include constipation or excessive flatulence in the abdomen. now my weight is 72 kg. I suffer of problems of constipation for almost 10 years. Have hypertension. I work long hours sitting before a computer. have regular but painful periods with flatulence and constipation. I have heavy buttocks as compared to my body now from last 3 years i have gradually gained weight over all my body especially shoulders and stomach obviously buttocks. Namaste sir I am yours fan and your fallowar. By moody, I can be happy and hilarious or sad, irritable and listless in the mater of one hour. The above mentioned medicines can be of great help in reducing weight. suggest which H. Please suggest any homeo medicine to reduce my weight. please help me. I am 18 years with height 5ft 6inches and weight70kg. What you put into your mouth is significantly more important in terms of weight loss, health and longevity than working out. Also I love food, specially which has a lot of taste in it. I have depression, ptsd, big butt, constipation, and hashimotos. My name is abdul my age 23 and i have a much weight on stomach thighs and buttock my waist size is 34 and mainly my stomach has lot of fat please gave a suggestion of medicine name and power in homeopathy. I have gained weight and have not been able to loose, no matter what I have tried. Like nob veg food and its a must every friday. pl suggest medicne. While we are grateful to the doctors for saving our child, it appears that as a result of an over-dose of medicines containing steroids, she now has a tendency to add about one kg. Such patients may also show a strong craving for sweets and hot drinks. I Ve got problem with digestion and a lot with constipation. Sharma, I have just started Resolution Drops from Total Life Changes, since I am a rep, it has the majority of all these homeopathic medicines in it. I hve craving for sweet food. I do not feel satisfied easily and crave both sweets like ice cream, milk chocolate and boiled eggs and cheese. I am 5 feet six inches tall and weigh about 265 pounds. I am doing Excersise and drinking 6 cups Lipton Green Tea in a day to loose my weight from 85 kg to 68 kg. I am 56 years old, I have at leats 50 pounds overweight, I am also bipolar so I can not take anything with anfetamines. I do not drink alcohol of any kind. and how do i buy it. I m also suffering from constipation from past 4 years. Mentally, the person is extremely sensitive to external impressions and gets angry to an extreme degree too. Day by day he is gaining weight. I have not enough money to go the doctor. All in the4th month, had a surgery to remove fibroids. I am 56years weight 80kg I walk for 3 5mins and go to gym for workout for 65to 70 mins I want to loose 20 kg. But i nvere took spicy or faty food even i never intrested to take spicy food. many time i overindulge and during the day i dont tolarete cold so much. After my first child I have gained a lot of weight now my weight is 88kg the right wt for me is around 68 kgs tried a lot of things but the weigh is not reducing can u please prescribe me medicine in homeopathy which can help in wt loss. Gained 4 kg in just 2 months because of stress otherwise also have stubborn weight feels tough to loose weight which homeopathic medicine will help to loose weight. Do i take lycopodium if yes then what dose or something else. Sso plz can u help me to reduce my weight. I am homeopathic doctor My patient is a young lady her hip and thyis are very fatty which medicine i gave her. They have a tendency to crave for sweet foods. I have gone through 4 caesarean I m having irregular periods. I am having excess fat around my belly and thigh region. I weight 76 kgs and I am a non-vegetarian and am 5 ft 3 inches tall, I am a working woman and do a lot of household chores before and after office hours. I have no blood sugar or pressure, having no thyroid. The constitution of persons requiring Calcarea Carb is fatty and flabby. I have been struggling to loose weight for a long time. Click here to learn more about PhenQ diet pills. please suggest homeopathic medicine for me. No diabetes, no BP, no thyroid etc. Please help me in finding answer and solution to my problem. 2 inch height. I have excessive fat in my abdomen and upper back. I feel depressed and low and have crying spells and feel irritable. I had to go back to work eight weeks after, and my body is beyond exhausted and tired all the time. he is fair and stout like me. Hai sir iam rama age below 30. I am not a really big eater although probably much more so than I need. I am 28 years old. I used to smoke daily. i sometimes have joint pain. It does not matter if you eat a piece of cheesecake (500 calories) or a Big Mac (2,000 calories), the thermic effect (amount of energy you need to burn them) is absolutely the same. You can help your body convert calories into energy and lose weight much faster. had taken pulsatilla 1m 3years back when there were fibroids in uterus. I am 39 years old hight 5. Me had abdominal obesity sedentary life style extremely hessitant in presentations to audience it was threatening like situation to appear for interview thought is blocked wth emty brain cnt remember even the basic things of my subject during that stressful environment. thank you. I m Tapu, My 37-year-old, and weight 85 kg, my thyroid problems and liver are large and I want to reduce my weight, so I will tell you my weight loss medication homiopethika benefit. Women suffering from Polycystic Ovarian Disease mainly face problems such as suppression of the periods and weight gain. A small cake or a muffin will definitely do less harm to your shape than 2-3 ones. 6 age34. However, post-menopausal, with the breakage of an arm, I gained about 10 pounds that I could not lose. height 5. e. I am 39 year old woman who is an emotional eater with depression that weighs 270 lbs please help guide me additional advice that I may use along with diet and exercise. He always takes more food in his dish and finally finishes his food by keeping the dish with food leftover. height 5. I am 23 years old female, my weight is 52 kg and my height is 5 ft, my stomach part keeps on increasing and the fat on stomach is very loose, I do all my checkup for this, but I had an endometrium cyst measuring 5 x 4 cm in right ovary. pl igs my humble request. I have slowly gained a lot of weight, currently 65 kgs. I gained the weight when my thyroid and menopause both hit. My wrists are thin and my calves and ankles are thin. My name is monika Verma mera weight 85 kg hai toh main kon c medicine le sakati hu. I am suffering from primary lymphedema of both feet and legs with huge swellings, please recommend some medicine to reduce swelling. 8 weight is 122 kg last 3 month I am using homeopathic medicine bt not satisfy pls recommend me best medicine thanks. I started at 10 then had to increase after a year. Its have any side effects or not in future. But what if you are already used to eating small portions. Symptoms mainly are craving for saltish food the excess ones. I have hashimoto and getting close to menaupose, I gained 28 pounds in 6 months at 53, before was always at same way, just start syntroid 25mcrg, what homeopathy should i take to help. He eats a lot and always looking for the Non-veg foods. I am vocalist and due to various shows unable to have a routine regime of exercises. He feels hungry frequently and whenever he saw the food, he is ready to take lunch or dinner even though he has already consumed his lunch or dinner. I would appreciate any advice you would be able to offer me. I am 45yrs. From 3-4 days I feel some disturbance in breathing at night. I am suffering from psoriatic arthritic I am 44. My weight 70 kg age 34 height 5. I am suffering in hypothyroidism and have 115 kg weight. Plz suggest remedy for irregular menstrual cycle and weight loss. P. Should we take all these four medicine to gather. Been trying to lose weight 4 years especially around my stomach area getting depressed with it can u help. The homeopathic treatment for losing weight is constitutional. I am 57. i. More fat around the abdomen, thighs and buttocks. I have a very strong lack of energy when I get home I only feel like laying around in my slump. A prominent feature that serves as a clear indicator that Sepia is required for treatment is a bearing down sensations in pelvic organs of the woman. Some time itching feels in my both arm and right hand. I have diagnosed with diverticulosis, kidney stones, anxiety and depression. Please advice me a medicine for weight loss. it does not stay off. I am 59 yrs old, 158cm tall and weights 94kg. I have problems like hypothyroidism heavy thighs n buttocks area. It also makes it harder on your body to store fat, meaning more fat is shed FOR YOU, automatically. I work as a weightless so my job is physical and have 4 children under the age of 16. Sir i want to ask medicine abt breast reduction bcuz i have a large breast with saggy skin kindly help me n suggest me any good n effective medicine n with this i want to loose weight overall but specially for breast n lower abdomen but first breast reducing medicine. I tried to. Sir my age is 30y I want to lose my weight and growth my hair. I have now began having hives welts and horrible rashes and Uticaria and found homeopathic med to control that. I do have the problem of polysistic overy. can u pls Suggest me i am taking phytolacca berry tablets 3x is good for loss weight are not. Plzz tell me. The constitution of the patient suggests the selection of the medicine out of these two. 5 kilos and my height is 153 cms. I hate the cold, maintain 6000 to 10000 steps per day without much excercise. Sepia suits women who are irritable and indifferent in behavior towards their family. my metabolism has also deteriorated. I mention this because I do not want to take anything that will thin my blood that will cause bleeding. My neck is fat also. I was always a little bit overweighed but now have gained weight since i lost my job as i feel sad cry easily and i have mood swings. A patient requiring this medicine is fatty and flabby. I want to loose weight nd want a flat belly. Yes, there are certain cases (in fact, less than 7%) when it is hormone disruptions that lead to fat deposits. My food habit is non-veg food mostly fish and chicken and occasionally mutton. I am always cold. 6 months back I was 64kgs. It is even more essential for those who target losing fat and gaining muscles simultaneously. I also have craving for salted food and excessive flatulence in abdomen,, and irritable nature. I am very active and will do all the house works and attend office also. So if there would be anything in homeopathic that could help me I will be eternally grateful. I am a 55 year old women, I am wondering how you charge for consultations. I am suffering from gastic problem and simultaneously my wt. My present weight 69 my chest tummy and thighs are having excess fat. Pls tell me one fine combination for obesity. fibroids dissolved and no recurrance. Please suggest me which type homeopathic medicine can be used. During the week from Mon to Friday I try to avoid carbs and if I do eat carbs it is to a minimum. Sir I am very sad about my body fat my abdomen is about 37 Inches,breast is 36 inches,and I just 33 yrs old today,I gain this weight In just 6 month is it possible that depression pill have such effect on my body because for one year I took it, last may I feel to much carveness for food so I eat. My name is anam and my age is 23 and my weight is 80 kg and just bcx of harmonical problem kindly give me the best suggestion for get rid of that deceases and loss my weight. I take 20mg of sumatriptan a day and began after having my daughter. thanks. please help me. I only thing I had noticed is it keeps me away from eating snacks unnecessary except my food. HI Doctor, i m 54 y old nad my waight is 107 kg and hight is 5 feet and 7 inches. Post the operations his stomach has bloated like anything and he suffers from pot belly. Please help in suggesting some medicine as I need to reduce weight around waist and belly. whenever he speaks a lot and talk loudly than his sound erupts. The second homeopathic medicine Nux Vomica suits those over weight persons who are constipated but the urge to pass stool is very frequent. Will i have any bad effect of that medicine. Require long hours of sitting and touring excessively. I actually cured my gall bladder with dandelion root tea when all the doctors told me it would need removed. Diabetic is under control but my belly is coming out a large. Subsequently, I had back surgery, broke a foot, and more recently, had cataract surgery, and I have gained a whopping additional 8 pounds. Dear doctor, fat is growing on my belly, thighs and hips little bit round knees. Sir I have problem of epilepsy and I am taking medicine dicorate er 500 so due to that I gain my weight. I am 47 years old, 5 foot 7 inches tall with wt. so please suggest any homeopathic medicine to reduce up to standard to height (171cm). My weight before angioplasty 81 kgs. Kindly help me out sir. My name is Lyle Jolie, I am 81 years old. The only problem that I have is of cervical because of that I could not do exercise or daily home work other then cooking. Now I am 35 years. I m also suffering from epilepsy from 20yrs. I am very sensitive and cry a lot. Regular morning walk for 35 minutes, 25 minutes pranayama, and 25 minutes yoga. Hello I am Azeem I have lot of on body how we remove. After breaking of right leg, rest for 6 month made obesity and weight increased to 84 KGS. I am starting my workouts like walking and some diet restrictions from tomorrow. I have Hypothyroid i want to loss fat from hips and thigh and butt and i got angry easily. Aoa dr sahib. 4. How to take the above remedy if I need to take them. Height 5. Periods r stop due to removing uterus and ovaries. What would be d best homeopathic medicine that can be given to him to loose weight. I feel cold and sweat a lot in summer and it has a smell. a month. My husband has cheated before this all happened and I just get in the stage thinking he is doing it again. I have gained 8 kg in 10 months. I gained weight again after having my first child last year. I read this found very useful. suggest me some medicine for quick action. My avg weight bfr used to b ntwn 60 nd 62. pls give me suggest. lose by all means. Those problems, as well as most other health problems, are rooted in bad nutrition. Please guide me to take any medicine to cure thirod and then over weight. As this is a huge problem on weight side, please help me over this. i am hell bent on getting back to my old new slf asap and move on. So I need an amazing homeopathic medicine for my body. I am suffering from lower back pain due to herniated disc at l5 region. 10 age 27. I have thyroid problem n want to lose fat from hip n thighs. I m suffering with hypothyroid from last 15 yr. I want to reduce my extra wait i do exercise or siet but my wait is stuck plz help me. I want more details regarding weight loss by homoeopathic medicine. Recently I lost around 7 kg weight by controlling my diet but When I suffered from chikengunia I had to leave dieting, I mean restricted dieting. Since last 10 years I m afraid with heavy migraine nd bcoz of migraine tablet my weight gain so much. And how do I get the drug, I live in Nigeria. I am 27 years old my weight was 95 and my height is 5. Am gaining weight and flab overall which i do not like. I request you to advice me the best medicine for weight loss with best results. Actually I was eating according to my dietitian. I have read through all of your described remedies above to research first if homeopathy is used in weight loss, and found that I fit some or most constitutional symptoms for a given remedy but sometimes not all of them. I am 36yrs and have a very low metabolism. Graphites for weight loss -Graphites mainly suits women who remain sad, cannot tolerate cold air and suffer from chronic constipation. so because of overweight I could not work well in my home and looks always tired and like to sleep always. 4 feet and weight 84 kg. I consider myself to be a healthy eater, i dont overeat. I will have a bowl movement or two in a day. For My stomach I am already taking Pulsetila empty stomach, Raphus twice daily and Nux Vimica at night. i had serious uti 4 years back i am married with two kids aging 37. I have both underactive thyroid and iron deficiency. I am 23 years old my weight was 90 and my height is 5. Please suggest me sir, which medicine will use better me. my age is41year. Kindly help her to reduce her wt and to solve other related problems. Thyronom 50 and rosuvas F 10 for thyroid and collestrol respectively. sedentary habits, full of gas, bowels changeable but no constipation. Obesity is one big health issue that is a reason for distress for people of all age groups. My second daughter is 6 yrs old her weight is 35 plus, she is very big student in her class, she eat pulses, cereals and vegetables etc. Could you please suggest me a homeopathy medicine to reduce my weight.

Sometimes it has gone down to 1-2 kgs but after some time I have again gained them. I daily used to go for morning walk and do Yoga. I am obese from upper portion not from lower one. 4. my height is 5. What dosage of calerea carb should be taken to loss abdomen fat. Asish Das, my age is now 47, I have excessive fat in the upper side of abdomen which creates very much irritation in every work, lazyness occures, Swiftness fade out. I am walking on treadmill for 30 mins daily. What medication should i take and please prescibe the dosage. 1 ft. Plus wight gain. Hope these are sufficient to get your advice which I much appreciate. I went through bad times in life since last six months. I am eating various times in a day like 4 or 5 times much sweet much salt present in my dishes. I am 52 year old yo yo weight loser and gainer. Menopause age of 38. last 45 days I take phytalakha bery tab 2 per day. I am hypothyroid patient i suffer fat loss i workout daily but helpless to lose any weight plz help me out of fat loss. Kindly advise me with homeopathic medicine for my problem. I am glad which you shared this information with us. I am also doing regular exercise but am not able to loose weight. I have been suffering with hypothyroidism for many years. I found remedies to control most of his symptoms except for the constant hunger from noon til evening. I have gained excess fat on my stomach after pregnancy. Sir I have taken some English medicine for migraine and some other brain problem. 5 and weight is 67 i want to loose 10 kg plz suggest me. Cant do walking or exercise due to knee pain. One has severe depression and stomach problems she is heavy stomach and up. The first important symptom in persons requiring this medicine is that they are chronic sufferers of the most obstinate constipation. Like hot, salty food, also love sweet have craving for sweet. pls help me. Homeopathic medicine Antimonium Crudum suits those obese children who are very irritable and cross. My husband is suffering from alopecia areta since last one year. Since 6 month ago my recent blood test shown very high levels of thyroid antibodies. I tend to have constipation, low energy, am moody and intolerant to cold. Can you suggest me some suitable medicine accordingly. I have trouble with constipation and I crave sweets. So can u suggest wt is the suitable option to reduce my weight to 75- 80 kg by taking proper treatment (. I am jia awasthi m 21 year old i continuos gaining my weight. I am Hype-Thyroid patient for the last 7 years and using Thyronorm Tablet 100 mcg. I am looking for a homeopathic remedy or herb remedy to control his constant hunger. Sharma and get a reply on how homeopathy can help you in treating your disease condition. Nothing is working what remedy can you advice me to have. and fucus ves 15 drops 2 time ( morning and night) per day. I have excess fat around abdomen, back n thighs. I enjoy wine when socializing and sometimes when I am trying to relax before bed. From last year my belly is getting big and doctor told that because of high dose of Insulin. What medicine would you recommend for my concerns. Only do run on treadmill three times per week 30 minutes. I Chandra,age 42, height 5. I am 26 years old and also had a c section 3 years ago for birth. I live in uae 10 hour I sit for duty. Hemant my age is 29 my height 5fet10inch my weight 90 kg how should I reduce my weight speedly. Have tried all kinds of diets bt wl not finish it. no thyroid no anemia no thing any disease. My hip area and thighs are heavy. I am a 54 year old female diagnosed with hypothyroidism. I am impressed to go through your article on obesity. I will be most grateful. I was under depression due to which I have become overweight, presently I am 117 kg in weight. Asi m taking throxine tablet also regularly, can i take it with them also. She has all the symptoms of Poly-cystic Ovaries but her hormonal profile is not much disturbed and ultrasound does not indicate this problem. For belly fat burning how should we take and how many days and how much lycopodium 200. I have excessive fat around my hips and thighs. Your article is excellent on the subject. Now they are back. I am 44 yr old and was diagnosed hypothyroid after d birth of my first born in 2012. I only recently began to fill out in my lower stomach, but have always had large muscular thighs. I would like help with long term stress that has caused a reluctance to work and over eating, I crave sweets and warm drinks, tears flow at the slightest emotion when watching a program on TV but mostly when I am alone. The most of the fat is on my stomach. I wanted to know what kind of homeopathic medicines can take, also I am taking ayurvedic herbs so can that be taken with homeopathic, maintaining gap between the two. He has gained weight from excessive eating, however he cannot control his hunger. I have gain 30 lbs over the past 4 yrs due to stress, anxiety, and menopause. I am 51 years of age. Thank you. , sweating on head mainly etc. Unwanted hair around the face may be due to hormonal imbalance. I have hypothyroid I want to loss fat from hips thigh and butt and I got angry easily. Below stats may help you leaning my condition. 8. I am in generally good health, no diabetes, no cholesterol issues,